Thursday, January 27, 2011

Getting around

   You never know how much you rely on a care until you don't have one.  But I must be honest for a moment... the bus system here is incredible.  I have never felt like there was nothing that I could not do.  And if shopping gets a little out of hand and you don't want to lug everything on a bus there are taxis. 
   They are so much more affordable than you would think.  Or maybe that is because we are so used to them being crazy expensive.  Let's put it his way, there is one taxi that is allowed to go on base.  It is so nice to be able to call him and he will meet you at the commissary and take you home.  I guess this is where I need to further explain that we do not live on base.  We live as far away from the base as you can go with still staying in Chinhae.  (I know why James got this apartment, but sometimes I wonder if the beautiful ocean view is worth not being in town where all the shopping and everything happens).  Anyway, I have digressed, so I continue with the taxis.  This guy who meets you on base has been Americanized (how everyone terms it).  Koreans do not accept tips, Mr. Park (the one taxi allowed on base) does.  The other taxis charge far less for the initial opening of the door price than Mr. Park.  And this is the kicker... he drives a normal speed which jacks up you cost.  Here red lights are optional.  Turn lanes, also optional.  Speed limits, Just a waste of material.  Why post it... no one follows it.  And have I seen a cop, once (I will get to that story later in this post).  SO I have come to appreciate the crazy driving for it is great on the wallet.  hee hee  My sister and i were in a taxi one night and we found ourselves upset because he was keeping a safe distance form the other cars and driving slow (the speed limit).  We later laughed at our change of attitude because just 4 weeks ago we were hugging each other in fear for our lives in a taxi. 
   So this is where I return to the buses.  The run like clockwork.  There is not a specific time that they will be at a stop but you can look and the list and find how often that bus passes by.  For instance, the 302 (som beck ee... alittle Hangul for everyone, and it is phonetic so not sure if I spelled it correctly) runs every 15 - 20 min.  The 317 (which comes right to our house) runs every 25 - 30 minutes, which is a bummer if you are in a hurry.  Not sure why everyone drives like a bat out of hell here since I have now come to learn there is a such thing as Korean time.  I did not coin this term.  It was told to me by someone else.  If the tell you they will have dinner with you between 2 and 3.  Count on 3:30.  I tell you this only in telling you that the buses also differ a bit in their times that they state.  So rule of thumb is give yourself about an hour to get anywhere on time.  But to be able to get to a bus stop and know that the bus will be there any minute is such a safe feeling.  The newest technology is the computer screens at the stops.  They will let you know how far out the buses are and if one is in range.  The routes overlap so much there are often times multiple buses to choose from to take.  So say the 305 is closer than the 302.  Take the 305... it will get you there as well.  :)  I know I have mentioned the crazy driving already but it gets worse with the buses.
   Fearing for your life is an understatement.  The buses are the biggest vehicle on the road.  No lie, even the flat bed trucks do not compete.  Big rigs, are a thing of the past.  It is the bus beast that rules the road.  They cut people off, make left hand turns from the right lane (been in that many times), speed, run people onto curbs.  I think you get my point.  Riding the bus is sometimes a harrowing experience.  While Jamie has been here for 4 months already I have the joy of saying that I have only been here a month and already been in a bus accident. 
   Yes, that is right, my luck is coming through for me even in a strange country where I can't even speak of my horror to anyone.  Kanon and I were sitting in the back as we often do and suddenly there was a crash and he was on the floor.  I can't make this up people.  :)  He said nothing about the fact that he found himself squished into the seat in front of him and that he was doing a weird pose on the floor.  No, Kanon was so upset that his glove was further away from him on the floor.  *sigh* my children never cease to amaze me. lol  I was a bit shaken and this leads me to my first police encounter in Chinhae S. Korea.  He wanted the passengers to give a statement.  Have I mentioned yet that I DO NOT SPEAK HaNGUMAL.  (written language is Hangul, spoken language is Hangumal).  I just stared at him and he spoke many things rapidly.  After I lifted my shoulders in the I don't know fashion about 10 times I think he finally realized that unless he got someone who spoke English he was getting nothing from me.  I felt so helpless.  But after I recovered I practical ran to Jamie's school when I got to the base to inform him of my adventure.  Funny, huh.  I was so proud that something happened to me and not to him. hee hee
   And accidents don't happen every day, but getting almost left does.  When the bus stops you need to run on and get to your seat because they will shut the doors and leave you.  And they do not wait for you to get to your seat.  It just goes when everyone is on and the doors are shut.  So my sister and I have lovingly named the swagger to you seat, while the bus is jerking and swerving, as the Korean shuffle.  Jamie informed me that the other morning on his way to school he was trying to make it to his sit with the erratic driving and he tripped on a step which brought him to his knees.  Then he got up and realized he dropped his glove.  As he bent to pick it up the driver jerked suddenly which brought Jamie to his face instantly.  A friend of his that goes to work with him every morning got to see all of this and for that I am incredibly jealous.  I could have laughed about that for months. :)  For all of you that do not know my sense of humor I can tell you this.  People falling is one of my favorites.  Not sure why, but it just makes me laugh more than anything.   While Jamie's episode is funny almost being separated from your children is not.  The kids move a bit slower in the crazy driving and the doors have almost shut on the kids while they were getting off.  Kanon now runs and jumps on me.  And like a monkey he wraps legs and arms tightly in a death grip.  It would be funny except for the complete look of horror on his face.  He fears the buses more than I can tell you. lol
   All of this just for the buses and I am sure I left something out.  I can only tell you this is the beginning of the journey thus far. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh....this one made me laugh out loud...can't wait to stalk your blog!!
